- What benefit will people gain by doing business with you or supporting your cause?
You will be able to overcome some of the mental and physical challenges that have plagued
your life by joining with peers who have walked those exact footsteps but now have their
hands extended to you.
- What is the problem your trying to solve?
Obesity affects 12.5 million of children and adolescents aged 2-19 in the United States. Since
1980, obesity prevalence among children and adolescents has almost tripled. Studies also
show that obese children with decreasing levels of self-esteem demonstrate significantly
higher rates of sadness, loneliness, and nervousness and are more likely to engage in high-
risk behaviors such as smoking or consuming alcohol.
We would like to decrease and help alleviate the social and mental problems that are the
result of obesity and children in young adults.
- How will your product or business concept be a solution to that problem?
By instilling our values: Heal, Empower, Motivate, and Define along with our services we
will become the guidance they need to solve that problem. Programs such as Nutrition
Consultations, Individualized Fitness Plans, and Motivational Coaching will aid them in their
physical, mental, and emotional Healing. Guest Speakers and Goal Setting sessions will
allow them to become Empowered to do things they once thought they were to inadequate
to do. Team Building and Social Events will allow them to Motivate others who struggle
with situations they have overcome to provide the sense of family empathy, sympathy, and
connection. In addition, with constant opportunities to network with others, assessments/
reflections throughout your program, and customization, you will be able to develop your
identity and Define your future.
- What makes your product or business different?
What makes this business unique from many other businesses is that we are not just looking
at weight loss, or muscle gain but the person as a whole. We want your life to be balanced in
a sense that you not only are physically healthy, but you love who you are, are confident you
can achieve your goals, and are uplifting others while doing so.
Adding on, our business values communication & connection. Our family members (Team)
are people who have in someway had a break through in their lives, are on that path of
growth, and have overcome many obstacles mentally and physically whether it be weight
loss, gain, or self-esteem issues. We want you to be provided with people who can directly
relate to your struggle to lose weight, connect with peers, or become a leader for.
- Who is your Competition?
Our competition are the many fitness gyms, health centers, medical facilities, fad diets,
extreme fasts that focus on extracting money from our society while temporarily suppressing
unhealthy lifestyles instead of fixing them.