Post Grad Hopes
Welp I survived at least half way through the summer! (Lets not be technical with the dates :). Checked my weight this morning and it said 195-196. That definitely shocked me since I don't remember being under 200 since my freshman year. I remember jumping around 228-233 last may 2013.
I've had ups and downs this summer with my attempts to focus on grasping a job within my career goals and wear I want to take my future but sadly the job market doesn't care that much. However I'm not letting that change my mind of deter me from what I want for my future. Meanwhile I've been attempting to focus more on studying for ACSM certification in training while also developing my company everyday and figuring out new ways to create healthier habits for myself and others. The journey is continuing and I am determined because I know you have to hit your lowest to find out what it takes to get to your highest!