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Best Ways to Sleep Well When Suffering From Back Pain

When it comes to back pain, recent information shows that about 65 million Americans have consulted a physician about their back pain, while 16 million of them suffer from chronic back pain. Whether your back pain is acute or a chronic ailment you have to cope with, it can take a tremendous toll on your ability to function. In a double whammy on your system, back pain will affect your ability to have a good night’s sleep, which in turn, will negatively impact your physical and emotional well-being. To stop this potential downward spiral in its tracks, it’s vital for you to find ways to sleep better. 

Use the Best Sleep Tools

As someone who’s suffering from back pain, you need to have the right mattress and pillows to help you sleep. Within your potential choices, you can find one that’s budget-friendly or splurge a bit so you can sleep in luxury. There are also mattresses that accommodate varying weight ranges if you’re looking for something that provides ultimate support. Start Sleeping suggests finding a good sleeping position that lessens your back pain. You should use your pillows as support when sleeping. For example, placing a pillow under your knees when sleeping on your back can be helpful. A night roll can also help you sleep better by supporting your spine. 

Call in the Cavalry

According to Very Well Health, two of the things you should avoid when suffering from back pain include repetitive bending and lifting heavy objects. In order to maintain your back’s health and give it time to heal, make sure you get help around the house for routine tasks. Some of these tasks include mowing the lawn, shopping for groceries and doing your laundry. If you have little ones, it may be good to get a sitter who can take them off your hands so you can get some rest. Cleaning the house can be an arduous task for someone with back pain, so it’s suggested that you hire a maid service that fits into your budget. If you’re in Atlanta, the cost to hire a maid service ranges between $123 and $230

Get Some Exercise

Having back pain doesn’t mean you have to let go of exercise entirely. Just make sure you take the necessary precautions so you don’t damage your back further. Don’t lift any heavy objects or do exercises that make the pain worse. You’ll want to warm up before doing any exercises and fight the urge to work through the pain. One particular type of exercise that’s helpful for people with back pain is yoga, and according to YogiApproved.com, it can help you strengthen your back muscles, which can go a long way to keeping your pain in check. Since yoga will also help you relax, consider doing a few poses before bed. The exercise will get you ready for a good night’s sleep, because you’ll get a workout without exerting yourself. If you don’t have one already, purchase a good yoga mat before you start practicing (you can find a yoga mat for under $20 on Amazon).

Address Other Issues

Regardless of the cause of your back pain, there are other issues that can make it worse. Anxiety and stress can lead to soreness and tension in your back, which can wreak havoc on your already aching back. To keep anxiety and stress in check, it’s best to find the root of the problem and work through it. If that’s not an option, then you can try relaxation techniques like exercise and meditation. In addition, a proper diet can do wonders to relieve your stress. 

Restful sleep can be hard to achieve when you’re suffering from back pain, but it’s not impossible. You should make sure to cut down on the things that might stop your back from healing by enlisting help from others and taking care of yourself. It’s also best to get your stress level down so it doesn’t make your back pain worse.

Article Written for the Website By: Cheryl Conklin

Cheryl Conklin is a freelance writer and tutor by trade. She is also a blogger, adventurer, traveler, and creator of Wellness Central - where she shares her thoughts on wellness along with the great resources she finds in her own journey